Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hey Y'all-

Hey you ever been at the mall and seen people using ASL (American Sign Language)? Do you know someone that is Deaf? Well I grew up with Sign. My neighbors were Deaf and my sister and I befriended the two girls that lived there. Their entire household was Deaf so there were different things in the house. When someone called the table lamps would flash, they had a type writter looking machine with a phone on the back that they used to call people, their t.vs had closed captioned. Was it ever quiet there? Oh I'm sure it was, but my sister and I both knew ASL and our friends often used their voices to get our attention. No, they didn't know how to talk at the time, but their mom knew how to speak English very well. At that age everything they did differently from my hearing family was still very normal to me. Years after our first movie sleepover (yes, we even watched Disney Movies and ate popcorn and chatted late into the night just like any other sleep over with hearing girls) they moved to an hour away and it's been hard to keep in touch, although facebook has made keeping in touch SO much easier.

Anyways, the reason that I have been going on about this is the new T.V show Switched at Birth from ABC Family. It's about two families that had their daughters switched in the Hospital 16 years and had no clue about it. One of the girls got sick with meningitis at a young age and became Deaf because of it. I am SUPER excited to watch it premier tomorrow night. If y'all watch it tomorrow night, please let me know how you like it!

<3 Jeska.

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